Week 29 – Maritime Security Weekly Snapshot

Indian Ocean HRA – Maritime Security Incidents
22 July 18: Attack Reported near Baraawe, Somalia. A merchant vessel reported coming under attack at 01°06’N 044°02’E. Vessel and crew reported safe in Baraawe port. The reported location of the attack, less than 1000m off shore, likely indicates the attackers were opportunistic and presently lack the capability to launch attacks further afield. 25 July 18: Saudi Vessel Attacked near Al Hudaydah. Local media reporting suggests that a vessel, identified as the Saudi-flagged barge Dammam, was struck by the Houthi at 4°47’N 041°44’E. The method of attack or the level of damage remains unclear, but re-purposed surface-to-air missiles have previously been used.Mediterranean – Maritime Security Incidents
17 July 18: Libyan Coastguard Reportedly Destroyed Migrant Vessel. At least three people were reported to have died after refusing to board a Libyan Coastguard vessel after the Coastguard took action to scupper their boat and return the occupants to the Libyan shore. Details remain sparse, however accusations have been made against commercial ship operators for failing to rescue the group, with some Non-Governmental Organisations suggesting that these deaths are directly tied to the Italian Government’s recent practice of barring ships carrying migrants from their ports.Gulf of Guinea – Maritime Security Incidents
22 July 18: Merchant Vessel Approached South of Lome, Togo. A merchant vessel at 01°30’N 001°15’E was approached by a blue and white fishing vessel. The fishing vessel launched two skiffs which attempted to board the MV. The MV’s evasive manoeuvres prevented skiffs closing to within 0.5nm. All crew and vessel reported safe. The significant distance from shore indicates that this group may seek to conduct further attacks throughout the Gulf of Guinea, and presently makes identifying their country of origin impossible.South East Asia – Maritime Security Incidents
19 July 18: Theft from Vessel in Chittagong Anchorage, Bangladesh. Theives boarded a container vessel at 22°02’N 091°46’E undetected and escaped with three mooring ropes. Upon the alarm being raised, Bangladeshi law enforcement conducted a search, resulting in the stolen properties being returned to the vessel.Click link to Download PDF: Solace Global Maritime Security Snapshot – Week 29 A roundup of maritime security incidents – an easy to read format collating suspicious approaches, vessel attacks, boardings, hijacks and media reports. The week 29 Maritime Security Snapshot was compiled by Solace Global’s in-house intelligence team.