Week 21 – Maritime Security Weekly Snapshot

Indian Ocean HRA – Maritime Security Incidents
24-27 May 18: Cyclone Mekunu. Cyclone Mekunu crossed between Socotra and Salalah during 24-27 May. The storm resulted in extreme weather conditions, making landfall at Salalah as a category three storm. Disruption to air travel was widespread, and significant flooding was also reported, severely limiting land travel. At least 50 people were reported missing or killed. 30 May 18: Suspicious Approach near Merca, Somalia. A merchant vessel at 01°38’N, 044°42’E reported an approach by six skiffs carrying an unspecified number of persons onboard. No attempted boarding was reported, and the vessel and crew remain safe.Gulf of Guinea – Maritime Security Incidents
13 April 18: – LATE REPORT – Stores Stolen from Vessel at Apapa Port, Nigeria. Four men aboard a skiff boarded a container ship anchored at 06°26’N 003°24’E. Crew members raised the alarm and the robbers fled. Upon searching, bosun stores lock was found to be broken, and stores were missing. 22 May 18: Attempted Boarding Against Tanker 130 NM South of Lome, Togo. Seven pirates in a skiff attempted to board a drifting tanker at 03°46’N 001°30’E. They aborted their attempt when the alarm was raised. The tanker’s master reported a potential mothership near their location. 23 April 18: Attempted Robbery in Lagos. A lone intruder was reported on the deck on a merchant vessel at 06°16’N 003°12’E. The intruder jumped overboard when challenged. 25 May 18: Tanker boarded near Lagos, Nigeria. Two men boarded a tanker at 06°18’N 003°20’E. They fled empty handed when the alarm was raised. 26 May 18: Robbery from Ro-Ro Vessel in Lagos, Nigeria. Seven men boarded a Ro-Ro vessel berthed at 06°27’N 003°22’E. The duty crewman was tied up and his radio taken. The robbers then broke into the paint store and escaped with ship’s properties. Crew & vessel reported safe.South East Asia – Maritime Security Incidents
05 May 18: – LATE REPORT – Theft at Anchor near Bintan Island, Indonesia. Stores were discovered missing from a tanker anchored at 01°24’N, 104°36’E. The theft was discovered during routine emergency drills. 15 May 18: Theft at Anchor Reported in Uban, Indonesia. Stores were discovered missing from a product tanker anchored at 01°06’N, 104°11’E. The theft was discovered during routine rounds.Click link to Download PDF: Solace Global Maritime Security Snapshot – Week 21 A roundup of maritime security incidents – an easy to read format collating suspicious approaches, vessel attacks, boardings, hijacks and media reports. The week 21 Maritime Security Snapshot was compiled by Solace Global’s in-house intelligence team.