Week 05 – Maritime Security Weekly Snapshot

Gulf of Guinea – Maritime Security Incidents
01 Feb 18: Potential hijacking, Cotonou, Benin. Communications were lost with a product tanker carrying 13,500t of gasoline and 22 crew members. Last reported location 06°15’57N, 02°30’30E. The owner of Marine Express has engaged with crisis resolution specialists due to the high likelihood of this being a hijacking event. 31 Jan 18: Attempted Theft at Lagos Anchorage. A duty crewman spotted two small boats tied to the anchor chain, and a suspicious person on the forecastle of a tanker in Lagos Anchorage. Duty officer sounded the foghorn and mustered the crew. Robbers escaped empty-handed.Indian Ocean – Maritime Security Incidents
02 Feb 18: Red Sea ports. Al Hudaidah and Saleef ports were open to humanitarian shipping with UNVIM permissions. Mokha and Balhaf remain closed to all traffic.South East Asia – Maritime Security Incidents
31 Jan 18: Crew member assaulted, Godau, Vietnam. Two armed men boarded a bulk carrier anchored in Godau. They assaulted and restrained the bosun before stealing ship’s stores. 30 Jan 18: Vessel boarded in Kutubdia, Bangladesh. Five armed rubbers boarded an anchored bulk carrier in Kutubdia anchorage. The duty crewman was threatened as he raised the alarm. The attackers escaped with ship’s stores, which were later returned by Bangladeshi coastguards.Click link to Download PDF: Solace Global Maritime Security Snapshot – Week 05 A roundup of maritime security incidents – an easy to read format collating suspicious approaches, vessel attacks, boardings, hijacks and media reports. The week 05 Maritime Security Snapshot was compiled by Solace Global’s in-house intelligence team.