United Nations Fisheries Protection Exercise

Solace Global Maritime Support UNODC Exercise ‘SEA SPIRIT’
Project Overview
In December 2022, Solace Global Maritime were awarded the contract for supporting a United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) sponsored Somali Fishery Protection training exercise, named ‘EXERCISE SEA SPIRIT.’ This groundbreaking initiative took place in the Seychelles, with the primary objective of providing invaluable training by offering hands-on experience onboard a vessel.
The Challenge: Training
As a trusted name in the offshore industry, we were selected to play a crucial role in supporting Exercise Sea Spirit. Our expertise in offshore risk management, vessel operations, and training made us the ideal choice for the UNODC’s mission to bolster fisheries protection efforts in the region.

Solace Global Maritime’s Involvement
We provided a vessel along with a RHIB, both fully equipped to meet the challenging demands of offshore operations in the Indian Ocean. Additionally, our experienced and highly skilled coxswain, well-versed in the intricacies of vessel boarding drills, ensured the safety of participants in the training exercise.
The exercise also involved the Spanish EUNAVFOR naval vessel Santa Maria.
Through our vessels and coxswain support, participants gained invaluable experience in vessel boarding drills in challenging offshore conditions.